Potty Training is the term we use to refer to helping your child reach the major developmental milestone of toilet independence (stopping using nappies.) There is no lower age limit to when children can start learning potty-related skills, and whatever age you are ready to help your child make this transition, our resources can help you.

Our research-evidence based approach is the gold standard and follows new guidance to start potty training earlier.

The Go Potty resources include:

  1. The Baby Pottying Guide for children aged 0-18 months
  2. The Go Potty Training Guide for when you want to help your child stop using nappies.
  3. The Go Potty Podcast
  4. Private, one to one consultations with Rebecca to solve any potty related problems for children aged 0-6 years.

Whether you're just starting out or need help along the way, Go Potty is your trusted friend in this important milestone.

Baby Pottying Book

This practical, evidence-based guide includes detailed explanations, images, videos and links to research evidence that will support you to potty your baby from birth to 18 months. Based on attachment parenting principles and rooted in the science of child development, this guide will teach you how to practise Elimination Communication (baby pottying) in Rebecca's down-to-earth, flexible style that suits any type of family circumstances – part-time, full-time and with or without also using nappies. Including:

• What is baby pottying
• When and how to start – a step by step guide
• How to learn, interpret and respond to your baby’s signals
• How to potty part-time, when out and about and at night-time
• How to overcome common problems
• How to prepare your baby for independence from nappies

Potty Training Guide

This guide covers all the essentials including:

• Science-backed strategies and tips for successful potty training
• Practical advice on preparing your child to stop using nappies
• Engaging activities to make learning fun and effective
• Solutions for common challenges like accidents and resistance
• Guidance on working with childcare providers to maintain consistency

Presented via a 100+ page high-quality printed book including descriptions, videos and images, this guide is perfect for busy parents who need the essential information in an easy to access format.

Go Potty Podcast

The Go Potty podcast presents a new approach to potty learning, one that is backed by science and child development. Each episode explores a key aspect of potty training, with practical tips and expert advice, all proven to work. So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve already started, let the podcast be your guide throughout the process.

Private consultations

I have supported thousands of parents like you to help their babies and toddlers reach toilet independence and overcome challenges such as:

  • Potty fear and anxiety
  • Potty resistance and refusal (including challenging behaviour)
  • Accidents and regression
  • Night time wetting
  • Holding and constipation
  • Learning disability, neurodivergency including autism.

A private consultation takes account of your particular situation and finds solutions tailored to your specific needs, unique child and your parenting style. 

Hi, I’m Rebecca Mottram

I'm a children's Nurse, potty learning consultant and parent of 2 children who used the potty from birth. As a health professional, I understand the importance of having an evidence base for the care I give. That's why I created the Go Potty resources to help you to work in partnership with your child in a gentle but effective way that is based on good, peer-reviewed research. 

Potty training is a time of great leaps and bounds for your child. Research clearly shows that we need to potty train earlier to give our children the best chance in achieving this key milestone. My course is designed to help you do that in a way that honours you both.